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Despite the wettability of all foliar fertilizers being markedly different, foliar uptake was similar for all treatments that contained a surfactant. Results: There was high foliar uptake of phosphoric acid in combination with all adjuvants that contained a surfactant, but only one treatment resulted in a 12% increase in grain yield and two treatments resulted in a decrease in grain yield. Materials and Methods: We measured the contact angles of water and fertilizers on wheat leaves, and the uptake, translocation and wheat yield response to isotopically-labelled phosphoric acid in combination with five different adjuvants when foliar-applied to wheat at either early tillering or flag leaf emergence. The aims of this study were to investigate the influence of adjuvant choice and application timing of foliar applied phosphoric acid on leaf wettability, foliar uptake, translocation, and grain yield of wheat plants. Introduction: Foliar applied phosphorus (P) has the potential to provide a more tactical approach to P fertilization that could enhance P use efficiency.

  • 3Future Industries Institute, University of South Australia, Mawson Lakes, SA, Australia.
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    2CSIRO Agriculture and Food-Systems, Glen Osmond, SA, Australia.

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    1Soil Science, School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, The University of Adelaide, Glen Osmond, SA, Australia.McBeath 1,2*, Craig Priest 3 and Michael J.

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