Step 1: Run Uplay on your Windows 10 PC and then log in to your account. Method 2: Select the Correct Game Directory Now you can check if the “Uplay doesn’t recognize installed games on Windows 10” problem still exists. Close Uplay > find the Uplay default directory > find and rename the cache folder to another name > restart Uplay PC. Step 3: Empty the cache folder for Uplay PC. In your Uplay PC game library, expand the Hidden section and then check if your game is there. Step 2: Make sure your game is not hidden. Create or log in with a secondary account, then log in to this account and check if your game is in the game library. Step 1: Disconnect your game from another Ubisoft Account.

Read More Fix “Uplay Game Not Showing up in Library” Method 1: General Troubleshooting Steps